Thursday, March 17, 2022

Wisdom essay

Wisdom essay

The first step in obtaining wisdom is possessing good judgment. After a certain point, we all begin to realize wisdom essay the worldly amusements can only satisfy us on a superficial level but cannot quench our soul. But why wisdom essay much fuss about wisdom? There is a reason why people do not find peace in spite of being surrounded by all kinds of materialistic pleasures. To be able to apply the knowledge, to be able to think, and acknowledge why things are the way they are, makes us wise, wisdom essay.

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To obtain wisdom one must have good judgment, pure confidence, and knowledge. When a person has obtained these three traits then and only then, will a wisdom essay experience true wisdom. Even though these three traits seem to be easily obtainable most people will wisdom essay truly experience wisdom. These traits are difficult to obtain individually, but can be obtained by following a few steps, wisdom essay. The first step in obtaining wisdom is possessing good judgment. One must use their analytical skills to have good judgment. By analyzing each scenario a person is able to arrive at wisdom essay positive conclusion, wisdom essay.

For example, when a person is offered drugs that person must think in their minds what drugs are capable of causing. If that person can think of anything negative then the decision should be easy. Understanding the difference between good and bad is not always as simple as it may seem. There are times people do not use any judgment at all. There are cases where people go with their gut feeling, wisdom essay. For example, if a person hates somebody that person is capable of making an error judgment. This can occur if a person does not analyze the consequences of their actions. Therefore good judgment can only be obtained if the person is willing to try to live a mistake free life.

This task may seem impossible, but in reality it can be accomplished with practice. Pure confidence is the second necessity needed by a person who is in the pursuit of wisdom. Pure confidence can be extremely difficult to gain for some. There are many people who wisdom essay put down when they were children. This probably gave the child a low confidence level. Therefore in order for that person to gain pure confidence that person would have to overcome past incidents. The first step to gaining confidence would be obtaining a wisdom essay self-image. This task is difficult because today's society has focused heavily on physical attributes.

Therefore to gain a good self-image wisdom essay person must accept wha Continue reading this essay Continue reading, wisdom essay. Toggle navigation MegaEssays. Saved Essays. Topics in Paper. Example Essays. Continue reading this essay Continue reading Page 1 of 6, wisdom essay. Next Page. More Essays:. APA MLA Chicago Wisdom. In MegaEssays. com, December 31, MegaEssays, "Wisdom. html accessed January 07,

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There are times people do not use any judgment at all. There are cases where people go with their gut feeling. For example, if a person hates somebody that person is capable of making an error judgment. This can occur if a person does not analyze the consequences of their actions. Therefore good judgment can only be obtained if the person is willing to try to live a mistake free life. This task may seem impossible, but in reality it can be accomplished with practice. Pure confidence is the second necessity needed by a person who is in the pursuit of wisdom.

Pure confidence can be extremely difficult to gain for some. There are many people who were put down when they were children. This probably gave the child a low confidence level. Therefore in order for that person to gain pure confidence that person would have to overcome past incidents. The first step to gaining confidence would be obtaining a good self-image. This task is difficult because today's society has focused heavily on physical attributes. Therefore to gain a good self-image a person must accept wha Continue reading this essay Continue reading. Toggle navigation MegaEssays. Saved Essays. Topics in Paper. Being able to place emphasis on the past experiences of the client and provide their feelings meaning will provide merit and fulfillment to the process and outcome for both the client, person centered therapy offers this ability.

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The argument I support is that reading can make you smarter, and the more you read, the better. But it turns out, that intelligence is not as…. What is wisdom? A definition of wisdom is the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise. Wisdom is the aftereffect of past life experiences, that will help a person and lead them to help others in the future. When a person has obtained insight, humility and dedication then and only then, will a person experience true wisdom. Although wisdom can be acquired, some of the traits are difficult to develop. More often the answer to this question is no and probably for good reason, despite the counselor's intent of wanting to help those who want or trying to recover from alcohol and drugs, the outcome may not be what is being looked for for.

The alcohol and drug counselor, may struggle with cognitive dissonance behavioral and attitude issues that will help them focus on there own recovery instead of the clients. The problem with someone going through therapy and recovery themselves can be a hindrance to those who are trying to get clean. It would be highly recommended for those who want to become a alcohol and drug counselor to wait a few years before pursuing. Also, it would not be a good idea to reveal much about your own recovery self-disclosure ,…. But whether isolation of patients a morally praiseworthy action is still debated. Consequentialism is such a vague theory and is hard to use as well.

It only asks for the best consequence which is considered as bring the most benefit for all. For this reason, mostly, consequentialism can only help the decision makers to see what is the stake for each possible decision but it is unavoidable that whether the decision is morally praiseworthy is influenced by the decision makers positionality and framing. Thus, there is no clear-cut suggestion under consequentialism. A person who is ashamed does not want to hear a rational explanation that this shame will go away and that there is nothing so bad about feeling ashamed. One is deaf to such remarks and rather desperate. So, this is how ashamed persons think and…. Reticent individuals view themselves as less competent to non-reticent individuals. It is a result of communication as apprehension where poeple develop anxiety because of reward and punishment.

It is a consequence by considering the belief system of reticent individuals. Yet, if Plato thinks that knowledge can be taught then his definition of knowledge differs, at least somewhat, from wisdom. One human cannot pass on wisdom in its entirety to another just as one cannot pass on virtue to another. Why Plato does not explicitly show the difference between knowledge and wisdom is unclear, as both are relevant to virtue, for one can be virtuous without certain knowledge but it seems it would be necessary have wisdom. What I have to deal with now is betrayal. This person kept me from doing what I wanted to do, they hurt me. Now I begin to wonder, why do people betray one another.

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