Thursday, March 17, 2022

Down syndrome essay

Down syndrome essay

However, […], down syndrome essay. A limited time offer! Most cases of Down syndrome are not inherited, but occur as random events during the formation of reproductive cells. Most cases are caused by the existence of an extra copy of chromosome 21 in all cells in the body, known as Trisomy Essays Down syndrome essay FlashCards. It is then implanted by the DNA of a human cell and then the development of the embryo is stopped.

down syndrome

In: Other Topics. Pick two examples. Throughout the course of the media and its ever-growing development, people with disabilities down syndrome essay been misrepresented countless times. In this essay I will be analyzing two examples from media advertising down syndrome essay also drawing down syndrome essay from Rosemarie Garland-Thompson in the modes that disabled people have been portrayed, touching on two main modes: The wondrous to which their physical differences are depicted as admirable and amazing, depicting every achievement in their lives as something extraordinary and the sentimental which invokes sympathy and pity towards the person with the disability and also invokes a sense of responsibility and the need to protect, down syndrome essay.

I will also make reference to Samantha Murray and her idea that perceptions are engrained in an individual over a substantial amount of time due to their exposure to the norms of society. The down syndrome essay advertisement is a short video from the National Disability Awards day of in accordance with the United Nations International Day of People with Disability and the second advertisement is from a United Kingdom organization for Down syndrome. Down syndrome Development Psychology Down syndrome Love a four letter word that many will take and throw around as though the word is down syndrome essay ball to be toyed with. A parent does not love his or her child any less if he or she suffers an illness such as that of Down down syndrome essay DS.

In order to completely understand how the love of a mother and father can be given to a child with such a disability, the individual needs to gain an understanding of what Down syndrome is. The reader of this paper will learn how Down syndrome got the name, what Down syndrome is, the case for this disorder, the down syndrome essay that are known of Down syndrome. The methods used to test and find DS before the birth of a child. Statistical facts, the medical conditions which are present, how parents and teachers work with those born with DS. How the eating habits, sexuality habits of males and females with Down syndrome are viewed. The length of the life expectancy for someone who is challenged with DS compared to someone that is not mentally challenged.

The last thing that I will cover within this paper is that of foundations that have been created down syndrome essay conduct research and treatment for those with Down syndrome and to answer the question that many may have as to there being a cure for Down syndrome. Down syndrome a term that many are familiar with down syndrome essay the United States; the scientific Some will always need the help of not only family and friends but of health professionals, down syndrome essay. On the other side, some of these individuals will be able to make it through on their own depending on the severity of their condition. A lot of the people with severe disabilities usually have multiple disabilities and others have mild disabilities that are caused by mothers who neglect themselves and put their lives and the lives of their own children by abusing alcohol and or drugs.

These disabilities can be prevented for some of these women. Autism is also disabilities that till now, professionals do not know the exact fact of the causation but may be hereditary. Autism is a disorder, that is usually diagnosed prior to age three and some of the characteristics of this disorder is extreme withdrawal from others, self-stimulation, intellectual deficits and language disorders. Individuals with this disability might have a hard time with social interaction and it can also affect educational performance, down syndrome essay. These children also have a very hard time with any kind of change of their daily routines and can get very aggravated. There is a major impact on the educational emphasis and these students because of the critical and very important curriculum Down syndrome: Observing Shannon Submitted by: Alfonse Bowman Arcadia University ED Supporting Students with Low Incidence Disabilities Professor Hopkins Fall Introduction For our final paper I chose to research trisomy 21 or as it is known clinically, Down syndrome DS.

The primary reason I chose this low incidence disability is because I will make the transition from a regular education teacher to a special education teacher in down syndrome essay spring and I am already familiar with other low incidence disabilities. I realize that with my new role in a self-contained classroom it is important for me to understand the term Down syndrome and then see how the definition and behavioral traits impact the student, the teacher and the other students in an educational setting.

This research paper will provide clinical and anecdotal information on DS with down syndrome essay observation of a student with Down syndrome. History of Disorder According to the National Down Syndrome Societyduring the early nineteenth century, John Langdon Down, an English physician, published an accurate down syndrome essay of a person with Down syndrome. Although other people had previously recognized the characteristics of the syndrome, it was Down who described the condition as a distinct and separate entity, down syndrome essay.

The United States Department of Health and Human Services Center for Disease There are several known types of cognitive functions ranging from mild to severe that are viewed as with some form of Intellectual disability or another. The hypotheses of individuals who display or experience mental retardation normally have some type of mental or physical impairment. Due to the barriers and stigmas associated with around the term mental retardation, association, institutions and various fields are adapting to the new terminology intellectual disabilities. According to my reading, inCongress passed a Lawrecognizing the Individuals with Disabilities Education Acts IDEA.

Thomas, Special education terminology down syndrome essay historically under gone construction several times in the United States. Thomas, As I began to discuss various questions related to individuals with Intellectual disabilities, you will see how the terminology, law, and the identification of ID is very much an open wide debate. Interesting enough, down syndrome essay, what was perceived as my understanding of children with Intellectual disabilities was not to far off in terms of my opinion. I would venture to say that, maybe I was not as informed as previously thought off. Now, moreover, in knowing that there are different levels of disabilities, ignorant people, I including, almost Development and Child Growth ECE Introduction to Child Development April 9, We talk about the descriptions of child development and growth stages and what they mean and how we look at those stages and how a child will develop and growth through down syndrome essay changes as well.

When we talk about growth we are talking about the actual size and the physical changes that a child makes over time, We talk about how the cells in the body change and with time change and expand or enlarge which is what increases the growth and the height of a child, down syndrome essay, also their weight, the circumference of their head, hands, shoe size, arm growth, and last but not least there body shape down syndrome essay well. Infants will become more of their surroundings and with those stages of infant growths and starting out would be the rooting and sucking reflex which is a very big part of growth because that is a part of survival and that also starts to create them to be able to turn their heads.

Some of the other major growths that happen with infants when they are starting to grow would be the Moro reflex, Palamar grasp reflex, babinski reflex, and last but not least the down syndrome essay and walking reflex. As those stages down syndrome essay to happen then you have the cognitive development and those stages would start out by the senorimotor Notes Achondroplasia is a bone growth disorder that causes disproportionate dwarfism. Down syndrome essay is defined as a condition of short stature as an adult. People with achondroplasia are short in stature with a normal sized torso and short limbs, down syndrome essay. It is the most common type of disproportionate dwarfism.

Achondroplasia is a disorder of bone growth. It is the most common form of disproportionate short stature. It occurs in one in every 15, to one in 40, live births. Achondroplasia is caused by a gene alteration mutation in the FGFR3 gene. The FGFR3 gene makes a protein called fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 that is involved in converting cartilage to bone. FGFR3 is the only gene known to be associated with achondroplasia, down syndrome essay. All people who have only a single copy of the normal FGFR3 gene and a single copy of the FGFR3 gene mutation have achondroplasia.

Most people who have achondroplasia have average-size parents. In this situation, the FGFR3 gene mutation occurs in one parent's egg or sperm cell before conception. Other people with achondroplasia inherit the condition from a parent w Is achondroplasia inherited? Most cases of achondroplasia are not inherited. When achondroplasia is inherited, it is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. Over 80 percent of individuals who have achondroplasia have parents with normal stature and are born with achondroplasia as a result of a new de novo gene alteration mutation. These parents have a small chance of When the baby is born it has a really high pitch cry when the baby is born. The history of Cri Du Chat was founded in by a genetic scientist named Jerome Lejeuna.

This disorder happens when the 5th chromosome is deleted from the chromosome. This is where the chromosomal is deleted and is gives a physical appearance of downward slant on the eyes, low birth weight, slow growth, and low set of ears, small head size, low birth weight, down syndrome essay, and weak muscle tone in infancy, down syndrome essay. Affected individuals also have distinctive facial features, including down syndrome essay set eyes, low-set ears, a small jaw, and a rounded face. Some children with Cri Du Chat syndrome are born with a heart defect; when the kids are born and start to get older have verbal trouble, down syndrome essay.

But kids are happy and socially active when kids and adults. There is no treatment for Cri Du Chat, the only thing that a person can do to help it is go to physical down syndrome essay for educational intervention and for the therapy is only physical and mental. This paper will discuss the diagnosis, causes, symptoms, and treatments of cri du chat and the lifestyle have diagnosed for Cri Du Chat. Cri Du Chat is not an inherited gene, but doctors believe that the disorder is caused by the egg or sperm cell when the Down syndrome Brianna Koehn General Psychology: PSY AAW3 September 27, Hurley, Dan It tells the story of Dr, down syndrome essay.

Alberto Costa and his daughter Tyche, who has Down syndrome. Costa is a doctor and a neuroscientist and after the down syndrome essay of his daughter he has devoted his medical research to Down syndrome. He has developed some promising treatments, down syndrome essay. The magazine article also notes the efforts of other researchers who have been developing noninvasive tests to allow pregnant women to determine whether their unborn babies have Down syndrome. Dmitriev, Valentine, and Patricia L. Oelwein, Advances in Down Syndrome. Seattle: Special Child Publications, down syndrome essay, This volume covers a wide range of intervention strategies including medical, down syndrome essay, educational, special down syndrome essay, parental, and living skills, down syndrome essay.

Although the readability lags in places due to complex subject matter, overall this is not a concern. Down syndrome essay summary and conclusion statements are used effectively to enhance the clarity of main points and important concepts. Persons with intellectual disability can expect to live 50 years and beyond depending on the severity of their health problems Staff, With early intervention and improved health care, life span continues to increase. Prior to researching mental retardation, my personal awareness was very limited. I have not had much experience or interaction with persons with intellectual disabilities. On occasion, if I shop at a particular grocery store within my community, there is a young grocery bagger with Down syndrome, but I rarely shop at that store.

My parents taught me to be respectful and to not tease anyone who appears or acts differently. Having little exposure to persons with intellectual disabilities my opinions and biases were that Brown v Board of Education made it so that everyone has the right to the same opportunities in education regardless of their religion, race, sex or anything else. It made it so that everyone was equal in education, down syndrome essay. Parc v The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania was a case that made it so that children from ages 6 to 21 that were considered mentally retarded down syndrome essay to be provided a free public education.

Mills v Board of Education was another case that was where 18, down syndrome essay, children were out of school with behavioral problems, hyperactivity, epilepsy, mental retardation, and physical problems. Again in this case it was ruled that these students were to be provided adequate schooling. Section of Public Law says that people with disabilities cannot be excluded from any program solely because of their disability, down syndrome essay.

manners essay

The Human Genome project inspired scientists to attempt the simplest technique for repairing: fixing what is broken. If a gene contains an undesirable characteristic, tweaking the gene to make it normal is the most basic solution. Luhan Yang, a Harvard recruit from Beijing, is one of the leading researchers in Germline Editing, another name for DNA modification. Changing the DNA is a realistic possibility for the future of medicine thanks to the discoveries made by the Human Genome…. This kind of therapy has seen significant results in sickle cell anemia, a blood disorder Allman Through experiments, the grafting of skin cells is shown to repair the skin of burn victims, while also showing promise in growing corneas for the blind.

Pancreatic cells can be used to grow a completely new liver for diabetics, helping them a way to normally produce insulin. Down syndrome affects 1 in every births, a condition sometimes called trisomy 21, where a child inherits an extra copy of chromosome Children born with Down syndrome have distinctive features such as: weak muscle tone, a small mouth held partially open because it is not big enough to accommodate for the tongue, and distinguishing eyelids. More serious deficiencies comprise of low resistance to infectious diseases, heart abnormalities, and fluctuating levels of mental retardation, in most cases severe. Information on Down syndrome, including signs, symptoms, and diagnosis; genetic information such as a detailed description on trisomy 21, and translocation; an expanded and comprehensive history on Down syndrome; modern-day individuals….

Even Ultrasounds or samples of amniotic fluid, placenta, or umbilical cords can help doctors and scientists view chromosomes University of Utah. After birth, the baby can be examined for the specific character traits stated earlier. It is then implanted by the DNA of a human cell and then the development of the embryo is stopped. The benefit in using therapeutic cloning plays a big part in regenerative medicine. Stem cells are very useful and have the potential of saving countless lives. This genetic disorder, which varies in severity, causes lifelong intellectual disability and developmental delays, and in some people it causes health problems.

Down syndrome is the most common genetic chromosomal disorder and cause of learning disabilities in children. This genetic disorder was first referred to as Mongolism. The name Down Syndrome did not start being used until the early s. Down syndrome a term that many are familiar with in the United States; the scientific Some will always need the help of not only family and friends but of health professionals. On the other side, some of these individuals will be able to make it through on their own depending on the severity of their condition. A lot of the people with severe disabilities usually have multiple disabilities and others have mild disabilities that are caused by mothers who neglect themselves and put their lives and the lives of their own children by abusing alcohol and or drugs.

These disabilities can be prevented for some of these women. Autism is also disabilities that till now, professionals do not know the exact fact of the causation but may be hereditary. Autism is a disorder, that is usually diagnosed prior to age three and some of the characteristics of this disorder is extreme withdrawal from others, self-stimulation, intellectual deficits and language disorders. Individuals with this disability might have a hard time with social interaction and it can also affect educational performance. These children also have a very hard time with any kind of change of their daily routines and can get very aggravated.

There is a major impact on the educational emphasis and these students because of the critical and very important curriculum Down syndrome: Observing Shannon Submitted by: Alfonse Bowman Arcadia University ED Supporting Students with Low Incidence Disabilities Professor Hopkins Fall Introduction For our final paper I chose to research trisomy 21 or as it is known clinically, Down syndrome DS. The primary reason I chose this low incidence disability is because I will make the transition from a regular education teacher to a special education teacher in the spring and I am already familiar with other low incidence disabilities.

I realize that with my new role in a self-contained classroom it is important for me to understand the term Down syndrome and then see how the definition and behavioral traits impact the student, the teacher and the other students in an educational setting. This research paper will provide clinical and anecdotal information on DS with real-life observation of a student with Down syndrome. History of Disorder According to the National Down Syndrome Society , during the early nineteenth century, John Langdon Down, an English physician, published an accurate description of a person with Down syndrome.

Although other people had previously recognized the characteristics of the syndrome, it was Down who described the condition as a distinct and separate entity. The United States Department of Health and Human Services Center for Disease There are several known types of cognitive functions ranging from mild to severe that are viewed as with some form of Intellectual disability or another. The hypotheses of individuals who display or experience mental retardation normally have some type of mental or physical impairment. Due to the barriers and stigmas associated with around the term mental retardation, association, institutions and various fields are adapting to the new terminology intellectual disabilities.

According to my reading, in , Congress passed a Law , recognizing the Individuals with Disabilities Education Acts IDEA. Thomas, Special education terminology has historically under gone construction several times in the United States. Thomas, As I began to discuss various questions related to individuals with Intellectual disabilities, you will see how the terminology, law, and the identification of ID is very much an open wide debate. Interesting enough, what was perceived as my understanding of children with Intellectual disabilities was not to far off in terms of my opinion. I would venture to say that, maybe I was not as informed as previously thought off. Now, moreover, in knowing that there are different levels of disabilities, ignorant people, I including, almost Development and Child Growth ECE Introduction to Child Development April 9, We talk about the descriptions of child development and growth stages and what they mean and how we look at those stages and how a child will develop and growth through these changes as well.

When we talk about growth we are talking about the actual size and the physical changes that a child makes over time, We talk about how the cells in the body change and with time change and expand or enlarge which is what increases the growth and the height of a child, also their weight, the circumference of their head, hands, shoe size, arm growth, and last but not least there body shape as well. Infants will become more of their surroundings and with those stages of infant growths and starting out would be the rooting and sucking reflex which is a very big part of growth because that is a part of survival and that also starts to create them to be able to turn their heads. Some of the other major growths that happen with infants when they are starting to grow would be the Moro reflex, Palamar grasp reflex, babinski reflex, and last but not least the stepping and walking reflex.

As those stages start to happen then you have the cognitive development and those stages would start out by the senorimotor Notes Achondroplasia is a bone growth disorder that causes disproportionate dwarfism. Dwarfism is defined as a condition of short stature as an adult. People with achondroplasia are short in stature with a normal sized torso and short limbs. It is the most common type of disproportionate dwarfism. Achondroplasia is a disorder of bone growth. It is the most common form of disproportionate short stature. It occurs in one in every 15, to one in 40, live births. Achondroplasia is caused by a gene alteration mutation in the FGFR3 gene. The FGFR3 gene makes a protein called fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 that is involved in converting cartilage to bone.

FGFR3 is the only gene known to be associated with achondroplasia. All people who have only a single copy of the normal FGFR3 gene and a single copy of the FGFR3 gene mutation have achondroplasia. Most people who have achondroplasia have average-size parents. In this situation, the FGFR3 gene mutation occurs in one parent's egg or sperm cell before conception. Other people with achondroplasia inherit the condition from a parent w Is achondroplasia inherited? Most cases of achondroplasia are not inherited. When achondroplasia is inherited, it is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner.

Over 80 percent of individuals who have achondroplasia have parents with normal stature and are born with achondroplasia as a result of a new de novo gene alteration mutation. These parents have a small chance of When the baby is born it has a really high pitch cry when the baby is born. The history of Cri Du Chat was founded in by a genetic scientist named Jerome Lejeuna. This disorder happens when the 5th chromosome is deleted from the chromosome. This is where the chromosomal is deleted and is gives a physical appearance of downward slant on the eyes, low birth weight, slow growth, and low set of ears, small head size, low birth weight, and weak muscle tone in infancy.

Skiers and surfers use them to train and improve balance. They are also used in martial arts, fitness classes, and many different types of sports. Using wobble boards greatly improves core strength and leads to better weight distribution. Children with Down syndrome usually learn and progress more slowly than other children. Not every area of development is affected equally. Specific patterns of cognitive and behavioral features observed among Down syndrome children that differs from normally developed children is the intellectual disability. Social functions of babies and children with Down syndrome are less delayed as other areas of development. Babies look at faces and smile only about one week later than usual. These behaviors may have a lifetime effect on cause of adult and childhood obesity.

Higher levels of physical activity leads to a low body mass index or BMI in young children. While most of these theories and models deal with the first two purposes of physical education: learning skills, tactics, rules and how to play games. What about the third purpose of physical education: physical fitness. While students can enjoy increased heart rate levels through playing sports and learning skills Bronikowski , most physical education programs also have a separate fitness unit that is done throughout the class. This fitness unit often includes cardiovascular fitness, physical strength exercises, muscular endurance, and flexibility. These types of exercise can greatly improve the overall health and well being of students and can lead to lifelong health benefits if the student can learn and continue on with these exercise habits throughout their life.

Intellectual and developmental symptoms are short attention span, poor judgment, and impulsive behavior. More are slow learning, delayed language and speech development. Everyone with Down syndrome with experience some obstacles in life as an effect of their cognitive delays but they are still able to pursue hobbies, jobs, and school. Since the life expectancy for someone with Down syndrome has risen from 25 years old to now 60 years old. Down syndrome is not more common in one ethnic group than another, but it is however more common with mothers who are over the age of 35 years old when they have a….

In a perfect world, everyone would be fit and beach body ready all the time, but sadly in the U. that is not the case. The government and other organizations have stressed the importance of being healthy and the serious dangers that come with being overweight, yet the obesity rate is still climbing. The price of junk food and electronic devices, such as cell phones, is steadily declining while the price of healthy food and fitness machines are constantly on the rise. For an example; a salad at McDonalds is more expensive than some of the burgers that are sold there.

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