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To be an american essay

To be an american essay

Imagine what you can get out of the 50 states in America? But in reality all that is needed to reach one's selves American Dream is a person's dreams in life. Term Paper: "What Is An American? And finally in the National To be an american essay, the purpose of its source of pride and cultural significance for citizens, to be an american essay, creates allegiance and loyalty to its respective country, a reminder of significant national, cultural, and patriotic events. The result of this is the government favoring the rich and sidelining the poor. Related Essays Materialism And Optimism: Crusial American Social Norms Essay.

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Disclaimer: This paper has been submitted by a student. This is not a sample of the work written by professional academic writers. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this work are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of StudySaurus. Everyone believes that America is this great country of hope and opportunity to have a better life where people arrive to be an american essay accomplish their dream. People who are citizens have a different life story, even though they do have to overcome obstacles, just like any immigrant, to be an american essay.

In this illustration, we can see by their facial to be an american essay how excited they were to be in America, seeking a new opportunity in their life. So what does it mean to be an American? Is it to achieve the American dream? It means to overcome all the obstacles that an immigrant or citizen faces throughout their life in America, while showing respect to the flag and country that offers the opportunity they have been seeking. Furthermore, to be in America, you have to show respect to the country. Some might say that immigrants can cause more problems in America and criticize things like overcrowding, drug trafficking and threaten American culture, but really immigrants have a great impact in our society politically, economically and culturally.

Economically, some immigrants can manage to work for big companies. Culturally, they bring new food, beliefs, to be an american essay, and language the country. Someone who is racism, and disrespects the country and think that immigrants are more problems in America. To be an American, it means you have to have rights and freedom. Thanks to the bill of rights and the amendments, that helps define what is an American. All he had to do was to commit himself to the political ideology centered on the abstract ideals of liberty, equality, and republicanism.

Thus the universalist ideological character of American nationality meant that it was open to anyone who willed to become an American. StudySaurus is run by two uni-students that still get a kick out of learning new things. We hope to share these experiences with you. Stuck on Your Essay? Search For Search. Home Knowledge Base Popular Essay Topics What Does It Mean to Be an American Essay, to be an american essay. What is an American Essay Furthermore, to be in America, you have to show respect to the country. Was this material helpful? Yes No. Leave A Comment? Cancel Reply. About StudySaurus Community. error: Content is protected!!

humanities essay

Following the biblical principles of the Protestant community were limited attempts of personal enrichment. The power of the community over the life of its members was absolute, as in the first period of development of the new continent alone it was impossible to survive. But when subsequent generations of the colonists have adapted to the new conditions of life of the communities begun by families and groups of like-minded people, creating their own little colonies, and by the mid 18th century single could not just survive but to create wealth for yourself. The Protestant community, adapting to changing conditions, began to change its tenets.

A righteous man was considered the one who created personal wealth, but a portion of the proceeds was given to the needs of the community. Poverty was classified as defects, so as to be poor in a country of enormous potential, means only one thing, the failure of the person, lack of willpower, character, moral inferiority. All that leads to success, to riches and virtuous. Immoral all of which leads to failure. Failure is proof of human depravity, and the ability to create wealth is a divine gift that allows you to bring a person closer to God, to God the Creator. In the second half of the 19th century, the mass immigration from Europe, and its purpose was other than target.

To leave his native country and go to a distant continent, with only the emerging signs of civilization, could not only the very desperate, but the desperate, capable of risk, dynamic and aggressive in achieving goals, fortune hunters. New immigrants came to the New world to serve God, and Success. For the European of the poor material well-being was more important than the spiritual improvement and moral life. Near attractive, bright dream of wealth and all other aspects of life have lost their value, and the diversity of human desires and interests, passing through of the American melting pot, went into the sediment. Alexis de Tocqueville, a French lawyer who visited the U.

The availability of resources created an unprecedented intensity of the struggle among numerous applicants, and those forms of life that arose in the process, dramatically different from the traditional norms of the Old world, shocked the Europeans, for whom wealth was only a means to a decent life, but not its purpose. In the hierarchical Old world wealth passed from generation to generation and the struggle for it took place only within a privileged, propertied class, the lower, poor classes fought only for physical survival. And America gave full freedom, and the struggle for wealth were involved millions. Unlike other countries in the world, built on the traditions and experience of the past, America has created history again.

It was a society of immigrants and it was in the process of merging of the polar ideas and ideals of many cultures and moral values. America contradictions fused into a single unit, combining prudent pragmatism necessary for survival, with the religious ideas and the rationalism of the Enlightenment, and created special, different from the European, the American way of life. New forms of relationship extremes are merged in an unusual symbiosis of Europeans that Europeans could not decipher. The United States is a special country a country of contrasts. This distinguishes America from other countries. This is one reason why I loved her. In the European ,Asian and many other countries, a very important ethnic point of origin.

When I lived in Europe, not just ran with it. Is it to achieve the American dream? It means to overcome all the obstacles that an immigrant or citizen faces throughout their life in America, while showing respect to the flag and country that offers the opportunity they have been seeking. Furthermore, to be in America, you have to show respect to the country. Some might say that immigrants can cause more problems in America and criticize things like overcrowding, drug trafficking and threaten American culture, but really immigrants have a great impact in our society politically, economically and culturally. Economically, some immigrants can manage to work for big companies. Culturally, they bring new food, beliefs, and language the country. Someone who is racism, and disrespects the country and think that immigrants are more problems in America.

To be an American, it means you have to have rights and freedom. Thanks to the bill of rights and the amendments, that helps define what is an American. All he had to do was to commit himself to the political ideology centered on the abstract ideals of liberty, equality, and republicanism. Thus the universalist ideological character of American nationality meant that it was open to anyone who willed to become an American. StudySaurus is run by two uni-students that still get a kick out of learning new things. We hope to share these experiences with you. Stuck on Your Essay? Search For Search.

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