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The club david williamson essay

The club david williamson essay

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Share this: Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Loading Previous Post Ap biology photosynthesis practice tests Next Post Antithesis in romeo and juliet act 2 scene 3. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Cookie Policy. In The Club, tradition is mainly presented as the opposite to progress and success; that is, to achieve success in today's world, tradition must be abandoned. For example, Laurie the coach blames an old Club tradition for his failure to win a premiership, "You and your cronies wouldn't let me buy players. It was wrong, but we believed in it. For example when trying to avert a players' strike, Jock claims that former Club heroes would be disgusted by the idea, "I want to turn all those photographs around so they don't have to look down on this shameful scene.

This hypocritical attitude towards tradition is probably a fairly typical Australian attitude; traditions are upheld and honoured, but only when they do not stand in the way of progress and success. This attitude presented by Williamson is probably even more widespread now in the s, as success is seen as being even more important today. Attitudes towards commercialism are also explored in The Club. However, Gerry the administrator and Jock's plans for next year not only include the dropping of some Club traditions, but also extensive commercialisation as wealthy entrepreneurs are recruited for sponsorship money which will be used to buy more players.

The attitude of acceptance of the commercialisation of sport that is evident in The Club is more relevant in the s than ever, when all popular sports are funded mainly by sponsorship dollars from big corporations. Even the Australian Olympic Team has received massive financial backing from sponsors, something which is accepted and considered to be good by most people. Power is also explored extensively in The Club; much of the play is based on power struggles between the characters. As mentioned earlier, the power struggle between Laurie and Jock is evidenced by Laurie's accusation that Jock supported the committee's traditional approach only to stop Laurie from succeeding.

Obviously some of the characters are much more successful than others. For example, Gerry is able to skilfully manipulate the other characters so he can accomplish his own hidden agenda. However the two players, Danny the team Captain and Geoff, do not really become involved in these power struggles except when they aid Laurie at the end of the play. Ted the president has the most obvious power at the start of the play, although he steadily loses it throughout as the other characters strive to improve their standing. The desire for power is basically universal, and there is resentment from those who are not in power towards those who are. These attitudes are also still relevant in the s, as shown by the recent Super League fiasco.

Competitiveness is also an important attitude in the play -- one which is shared by all the characters, to at least some extent. In addition to competing for power amongst themselves, the characters of The Club are also fiercely competitive with the other football clubs in the league. The fact that the Club has not been particularly successful recently and has not won a premiership for nineteen years only strengthens the characters' competitive attitudes and desire for victory. These sorts of competitive attitudes are realistic and still held in the s. Today's society itself is highly competitive by nature, with people competing for jobs, wealth, and success, amongst other things. Loyalty is also an important issue in The Club, although each of the characters is loyal in very different degrees and ways.

Some of the characters, like Danny, are fiercely loyal to others; for example Danny threatens a players' strike if Laurie is forced to resign, "If that bloody committee of yours gives Laurie the boot tonight, then we don't play tomorrow. Gerry believes that, "Loyalty to any one individual is a luxury you can't afford in a business with a multi-million dollar turnover. The role of women is not explored all that extensively in The Club, but Williamson does explore some of the attitudes relating to this issue in his play. For example, all of the characters in The Club except Ted are of the belief that it is unacceptable for a man to commit acts of physical violence against a woman.

For example, Jock refers to the incident where Ted hit a stripper, which forced him to resign, "With closed fists too, you mongrel. Don't expect me to be sorry for you. Society's attitude towards such violence against women is similarly hypocritical. Although most men claim they would never hit a woman and are disgusted at those who do, the rate of domestic violence shows that not enough is being done to change true attitudes towards violence against women. Williamson's portrayal reflects many Australian attitudes of the s very accurately, even though the play was written nearly twenty years ago. Some of the attitudes expressed, especially those regarding the commercialisation of sport, are even more relevant today than when the play was written, while others, such as tradition, are still equally relevant in the Australian society of the s.

Part B The second Williamson play I chose was The Removalists. This play as well, deals with many Australian attitudes, many of which are very accurate representations of the attitudes held by the majority of Australians. One of the main issues explored in The Removalists is that of police brutality. Simmonds the veteran police sergeant and later Ross a new recruit are both excessively violent towards Kenny Fiona's husband , whom they eventually kill. There is an attitude of resigned acceptance towards this brutality, as Rob the removalist , Fiona who was bashed by Kenny , and Kate Fiona's sister are all present when Simmonds is attacking Kenny, yet none of them attempt to do anything to stop the violence.

Kenny realises that Simmonds is going to bash him further when Rob, Fiona, and Kate have left, "That sergeant's gonna beat the shit outa me. He's mad as a bloody snake. People are disgusted by police brutality, yet believe that there is little or nothing they can do to stop it. Victims still do not speak out, for fear of further harassment, which has recently been shown by shown by testimony to the Royal Commission into Police Corruption.

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