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The dream act essay

The dream act essay

However, because of legal and financial obstacles confronting them just because they are undocumented students, many are unable to live their American dream and attend a college or university. These children grow up in America and take up American culture. Any subject, the dream act essay. Armed Forces for at least 2 years. Lucid Dreaming: The Act of Being Awake and Aware in Your Dreams.

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The American government faces many challenges in trying to contain illegal immigrants from gaining access to America. Though there are mechanisms in place to enable people legally to get visas into America, some people will not qualify. Some of the unqualified people usually decide to cross the dream act essay American borders illegally. It is unfortunate to note that some of the parents come along with their children through illegal ways. These children grow up in America and take up American culture. However, later on in life, they face a lot of difficulties securing jobs or even economically empowering themselves. The government, therefore, came up with the Dream Act to help illegal minor immigrants. However, the Act has never been passed due to its disadvantages despite the good effects it has on the community.

The Dream Act proposes to offer development, relief, and education to people who came to the United States while they were under sixteen years of age. However, the youth ought to have graduated from high school, lived in the United States for five continuous years and exhibited good moral character, the dream act essay. The Act proposes the issuance of temporary residency to this group of people to allow them to access certain services LaTour In addition, the Act prepares the ground for the youth to gain permanent residency. Nonetheless, this will not come easily as the youth should undertake two years in the military, the dream act essay, two years of college and two years of credit in a four-year college program, all within six years.

The proponents of the Act have put forward several advantages of the Act, both to the federal government and to the illegal immigrants. To begin with, the Act helps in avoiding brain drain from America to other countries. The United States will waste resources if it trains the youth and sends them back the dream act essay their homes instead of allowing them to contribute to the American economy Marrow It will be wise for the federal government to allow the trained youth to stay and use their talents in fostering economic growth. On the same note, sending all the illegal immigrants out of America is practically impossible because others will choose to suffer in America rather than leave. Therefore, giving these youth an opportunity of securing jobs will go a long way in reducing crime rates.

On the same note, the Act will encourage many immigrants to seek higher education thus increasing their contribution to the economy. Moreover, the majority of the minors were brought to the United States when they had no power to choose what to do. It will, the dream act essay, therefore, be inhuman to make them pay for the sins that their parents committed. The Act, therefore, seeks to save the youth the agony they are condemned to live with due to mistakes of their parents. In addition, the Act will save numerous immigrants from abuse by their employers, who misuse them because they have nowhere to seek redress LaTour Generally, the Act will empower immigrants and help increase their incomes.

They will then be able to pay more taxes to the government, the dream act essay, thus increasing the income of the government. It should be noted that the Act has received substantial opposition. First and foremost, critics see the Act as an avenue for more immigrants to come to America. Many more immigrants will endeavor to step into America using any means possible, with the expectation that the government will in future pass a law that will favor them. As a result, instead of reducing the number of illegal immigrants, the Act will actually increase their number Marrow Secondly, the Act has been criticized as rewarding a criminal behavior which was well calculated and diligently executed, the dream act essay.

Whether the illegal immigrants were young or not a crime was committed, and actions should be taken accordingly. Furthermore, it is known that illegal immigrants are economically incapacitated due to lack of well-paying jobs. However, the Act proposes to increase social services offered to these people. On the contrary, the amount of taxes that can be collected from them is barely enough to even cover the services they are set to receive Pallares and Nilda The result is a net tax deficit on the government which is detrimental given the current state of the economy.

Some youth who came to America at a tender age has lived in the dream act essay United States the whole of their lives, and have no ties with their the dream act essay country. On the same note, these youth are productive and can contribute immensely to the economy if given the opportunity and the right skills. Given the difficulties that are associated with the option of deporting all immigrants from the United States, the Dream Act is a good idea. The Act will not only guarantee that the immigrants have means of survival but will also ensure that they contribute to the economic growth of the nation.

LaTour, Mark Louis. American Government and the Vision of Democrats. Lanham: University Press of America, Marrow, Helen. New Destination Dreaming: Immigration, Race, and Legal Status in the Rural American South. Stanford: Stanford University Press, Pallares, Amalia and Nilda The dream act essay. Marcha: Latino Chicago and the Immigrant Rights Movement. City: University of Illinois Press, The DREAM Act. This paper was written and submitted to our database by a student to assist your with your own studies. You are free to use it to write your own assignment, however you must reference it properly.

If you are the original creator of this paper and no longer wish to have it published on StudyCorgi, request the removal. Table of Contents. Proposals of the Dream Act. Arguments in Support of the Dream Act. Arguments against the Dream Act. Learn More. The dream act essay will write a custom essays specifically for you! Government and Immigrants: Services in Contemporary America. Cite this paper Select style. Select citation styles APA-6 APA-7 MLA-8 Chicago N-B Chicago A-D Harvard. Reference StudyCorgi. Work Cited "The DREAM Act. Bibliography StudyCorgi. References StudyCorgi. Powered by CiteChimp - the best automatic reference generator. Copy to clipboard.

persuasive essay conclusion format

In spite of their service in the military or attaining education inside the country, the DREAM Act is unfair to those who follow the set out procedures while entering the US. Although the DREAM Act has not been signed into law, it has generated a lot of heated debates among opponents and proponents. However, I believe that if the US government wants to help illegal aliens, or even curb illegal immigration, then the DREAM act would do exactly the opposite. Instead, the government should encourage persons wanting permanent residency to follow appropriate channels while those who fail to do so should be dealt with according to the law.

Galassi, Jennifer. Lee, Youngro. Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy , Veliz, Benita Abigail. Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act: a sociological analysis of proposed immigration legislation , San Antonio, Texas: St. The DREAM Act. This paper was written and submitted to our database by a student to assist your with your own studies. You are free to use it to write your own assignment, however you must reference it properly. Adoption of the DREAM act is clearly a win-win situation. My partner and I offer you the opportunity to stand with us in meaningful action.

Thank you. Free Essays Topics Essay Checker Hire Writer Login. Free essay samples Examples The Dream Act. The Dream Act 3 March Hire verified writer. The Dream Act Essay Example. How to cite The Dream Act essay Choose cite format: APA MLA Harvard Chicago ASA IEEE AMA. The Dream Act. Related Essays. Dream Job The Dream Act Dream Job I have a dream Dream car You Are Never Old to Have a Dream Dream Act I Have a Dream My Dream My Dream Job My Dream Job. A limited time offer! With new legislation now in talks on immigration reform many have spoken up both for and against it. The Dream Act and the reform on visas and citizenship has caused a bipartisan to emerge in our government.

Based on N. Y Times articles, it can be determined that these new legislation is making it harder for those here illegally to gain citizenship. For those. had spent most of their lives in this country. The DREAM Act is the legislation that was intended to support this group by providing undocumented students the equal educational rights, and to protect their human rights by providing a way for them to become citizens of the country they were raised in. However, the DREAM Act has not become reality to many and is still just a dream, and even if it did pass it is easy to see the flaws it as. DREAM Act The road of attending. Home Page DREAM Act. Free DREAM Act Essays and Papers. Sort By: Most Relevant Highest Grade.

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