Monday, February 14, 2022

Personal and professional development essay

Personal and professional development essay

I always manage my time by using sticker notes, reminders, alarms and calendars to ensure that I adhere to the schedule. The first category tries to bring forward the philosophies and the ideas of the whole self and the factors that surround these principles that define personal development. Measuring process is defining the extent of application of the approved plans while evaluation is testing the process before execution. My personal values and principles influence consistently my contribution to personal and professional development essay in the health and social care setting. To do this, they must understand what drives their staff.

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My personal values and principles influence consistently my contribution to work in the health personal and professional development essay social care setting. As for my personal contribution to the support of people experiencing significant life events, I would place emphasis on the fact that I still expect to make a possibly greater contribution because I have a limited experience so far. Nevertheless, I have always been concerned with the adequate fulfilment of my professional duties and the effective help and support being provided for people experiencing difficult and significant life events.

My experience of contribution to the development of my professional skills and abilities but also it was a valuable personal experience. In this regard, I believe my efforts to provide patients counselling services were particularly useful and important. Often clients just needed to have someone to talk to and my listening skills have proved to be very helpful since clients could talk to me and share their problems with me that brought them relief. At the same time, my culture and experience have had a considerable personal and professional development essay on my support of people experiencing significant life events.

For instance, I have the experience of difficult life events in personal and professional development essay childhood, when my parents divorced, and that experience has proved to be very helpful for me since I could understand sufferings and psychological conditions of individuals experiencing similar life events. My cultural values and norms imply that we should provide the support for people in troubles and these cultural norms also contributed to my support of people experiencing significant life events. On the other hand, I found out that I was still vulnerable to certain biases, when I have just started working with clients.

For instance, at first, I believed that people are responsible for their position and success in the life, but, in the course of my work with people experiencing significant life events has changed my attitude and views. To put it more precisely, I have eventually found out that people are not always capable to control what is going on to their life. In this respect, my experience of work with a veteran of the War in Iraq, personal and professional development essay, who has suffered severe injuries and remained disabled, was particularly important for me and change of my values and views.

After his return home, he slept to alcoholism, which I still believe was his personal problem to a significant extent, but what occurred to me is the fact that we are also responsible for his degradation because, personal and professional development essay, upon his return back home, he has not got proper health and social care. Moreover, even when I started to work with him, I found out that he is not really confident in me and I understood why. The reason was my very formal personal and professional development essay to the client was my conversation with him. Once, I found him disappointed because of the loss of his favourite football team and that was my favourite team too. Then we started talking in a friendly manner discussing the team and talking about football at large and I immediately noticed the change in the client.

He became friendly and more confident in me. In the course of my work, I found out that my cultural values and norms basically coincide with those of the health and social care environment, personal and professional development essay, where I worked. Furthermore, I believe that professionals working in the health and social care should take the full responsibility for their actions and the cultural environment, where I worked, made this belief even stronger because I found out how significant actions and decisions of professionals working in the health and social care are. At the same time, I still keep progressing and focus on my personal and professional development.

I expand my knowledge and develop new skills and abilities. In such a situation, I believe new experience and my professional as well as personal development can contribute to the improvement of my professional performance and make my contribution to the support of people experiencing significant life events even larger, personal and professional development essay. For instance, the development of my communication skills has increased the effectiveness of my performance and facilitated my interaction with clients. Now, I am fully aware of the cultural diversity of the organisational environment, where I work, and it helps me to stand on the tolerant ground to avoid offenses or inappropriate behaviour in relation to my clients.

In this regard, I would just suggest several recommendations for improving the support available in health and social care organisations for individuals and their social networks experiencing significant life events. First, I would recommend focusing on the development of the closer interpersonal interaction and relations between health and social care professionals and patients. In this regard, health and social care professionals should know the cultural background of their clients, what their health problem is and what social environment they personal and professional development essay in. Second, I would recommend enhancement of the communication and interaction between health care and social care professionals because often communication gaps between them emerge that has a negative impact on the quality of health and social care services.

My work in the health and social care environment was a valuable experience for e because it contributed to my professional as well as personal development. In this regard, my role comprised elements of both health and social care, although I performed functions of a health care professional mainly. However, in the course of my work, I found out that I should not only provide my clients with basic health care services but also with their social support. For instance, some clients needed to talk to me, even if the issues they talked about were irrelevant to their health. Therefore, personal and professional development essay, they rather looked for the social support than for the immediate resolution of their health problems.

My experience of working in the health and social care setting has revealed the fact that some of my skills still need consistent improvements, while those skills I have at the moment have proved to be very helpful for my professional performance and further development. On analyzing my strengths, personal and professional development essay, I would single out several key strengths that have proved to be particularly helpful in the course of my work in the health personal and professional development essay social care setting, personal and professional development essay. First, I have personal and professional development essay communication skills, which have proved to be very helpful in the course of my work in the health and social care environment.

At this point, it is worth mentioning the fact that communication skills helped me to establish positive relations with clients and provide them not only with health care but also with counselling service. Second, my theoretical knowledge in health and social care were also important strengths that helped me to perform successfully. My theoretical knowledge laid the ground for the development of practical skills and experience. The enhancement of my professional skills in the course of my work was facilitated by my theoretical knowledge in the field of health and social care. Essay on Personal and Professional Development in Health and Social Care part 2.

Essay on Personal and Professional Development in Health and Social Care My personal values and principles influence consistently my contribution to work in the health and social care setting. Task 2 My work in the health and social care environment was a valuable experience for e because it contributed to my professional as well as personal development. Essay on Personal and Professional Development in Health and Social Care part 2 Do you like this essay? Our writers can write a paper like this for you! Order your paper here.

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Smith, B. and Vetter, H. Theories of personality, 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, US: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Tambe, M. and Zhang, W. Towards flexible teamwork in persistent teams. Presented at the Proceedings International Conference on Multi Agent Systems Cat. Varvel, T. Team effectiveness and individual Myers-Briggs personality dimensions. Journal of management in Engineering , 20 4 , — Zmud, R. and Cox, J. The Implementation Process: A Change Approach. MIS Quarterly , 3 2 , 35— Your email address will not be published. Top Service Wiki WikiHow Samples About Us FAQ Work with us Blog Tools Plagiarism Checker Citation Generator Grammar Checker Case Converter. Task 1: Theories of personal and professional development Multiple concepts and theories attempt to explain personal and professional development.

My Employment Role Customer Service Officer , My Responsibilities and Particular Skills and Competencies I Possess to Perform This Role. I have several responsibilities that each require their own skills and competencies Responsibilities Skills Competencies Responding to inquiries from customers through a variety of channels including email, phone and social media. IT skills, interpersonal skills and Logical skills · Customer services skills · Knowledge of the organisation and departments to direct the inquiry · Knowledge of the current organisational systems to obtain an inquiry · Knowledge of social media to respond to requests Train new members of our team and give appropriate training required to other teams. IT Skills, Interpersonal Skills and verbal skills · Knowledge of the systems and processes required to teach · The ability to verbal be confident one on one or to a group to give adequate training · The ability to connect the with interact well with the trainees to ensure training goes successfully To support our complaints team at a busy time and be on hand where possible to give guidance and assistance when required.

My Current Personal Performance Objectives and How These Are Set and Monitored as Part of An Appraisal System. I have several goals that I wish to achieve which include: To learn other languages to extend by customer assistance services and developing around my hobbies which encompass sewing and dressmaking skills. I will develop my own timetable as guidance for my personal time management as a CSO. To become a teacher, counsellor or trainer. My professional ambition is built around transferring my skills to others and helping the community. I could not figure out a better role other than teaching, counselling or training others.

As a way of monitoring these personal and professional development objects, I plan to use a schedule, preferably an app that will allow me to keep track of all of my goals. I have had issues previously with keeping track of these goals, but with an app, I will be able to manage my time seamlessly. Also, I will have to find a mentor who will see me through the learning process and provide me with the necessary skills to achieve my personal goals. Task 2: Interpersonal and Transferable Skills As Gardner argues, one of the concepts of intelligence is emotional intelligence EQ , a concept that is fundamental in understanding the relationship between people in a particular environment.

Task 3: Dynamics of Working with Others Theories explaining teamwork include the joint intentions theory, joint responsibility model and shared-plans theory Tambe and Zhang Task 4: Developing Strategies for Problem-Solving Theories of problem-solving are dominated by the work of psychologists Simon and Newell where they present problem-solving as an information processing paradigm. Figure 1 : Fishbone Diagram The solutions the team put forward was implemented by following the process described by Zmud and Cox where the entire process involves planning, measuring, evaluation and execution. Task 5: Communication Skills Baldwin et al. Task 6: Learning Styles The Myers Briggs personality test is a concept in which a personality is broken down to include several key features of how a person operates and what talents they may have Varvel et al.

Bibliography 8 Intelligences - Theory of Multiple Intelligences Explained - Dr. McLeod, S. Simply psychology , 1. Appendix Transferable Skill Work Experience Academic Project Extra-curricular Activities Personal Development Assertiveness Dealing with customers Queries and complaints. Ensuring I understand the subject and being assertive in asking for further information. When Playing Rugby being assertive in my position and playing well. Self-Development Training to look at the progression in work. Building my own skills for future career Working on extra qualifications at church and fitness through rugby Survival Social Skills I am able to discuss and communicate effectively Working life balance has had to be balanced and university being flexible helps that I am a first aider at church with training in adult and child first age.

Decision making and problem-solving Ability to make decisions; selecting suitable solutions; analysis of the appropriateness 1 2 3 4 5 I am usually able to analyse what I believe to be the best decision but could work on my critical thinking more. Planning Leading teams; consulting team members; task allocation; objective setting. I understand our organisation's objectives. Written communications Structure and format of letters, memos, e-mails, reports 1 2 3 4 5 I am proficient with written communications in both my work life and personal life. One of the only challenges I have is due to my dyslexia, but this can be managed by the help of software and support.

Oral communications Structure and format: techniques for effective presentations; using the telephone; meetings. It might be interesting for you Compare and contrast essay Money-Saving Tips For Students How to Survive On Low Budget Application essay What books do your favorite writers admire? How to Manage Everything and Be Successful? American History Tips for Repurposing the Content A new Spacesuit for Starliner Astronauts Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Responding to inquiries from customers through a variety of channels including email, phone and social media. Working on extra qualifications at church and fitness through rugby. Social Skills I am able to discuss and communicate effectively. Working life balance has had to be balanced and university being flexible helps that.

I am a first aider at church with training in adult and child first age. Working cooperatively with my team to resolve the issue quickly. Making up a study session with other students to work on assignments. Working closely with my rugby team in training to improve our team. Being a senior CSO, so I train new staff as they start the role. Watching someone show me how to use a new piece of equipment and doing it my self. Showing and talking about pictures as a reference guide for team tactics at rugby. Writing my assignments in academic writing. Talking to customers in person or given presentations over new specialist software we use in our department. We discuss in class and at break among ourselves about assignment, but other things tech related as each has a passion for it.

We have discussion groups with different topics over different issues at church youth night and classes. I use this skill at work to work with accounts to deal with problem rent accounts. We use numerical issue frequently in assignments and other areas as it tights into our course closely. We need to use numerical to deal with our budgets at church to ensure we have enough budget for the year. I use specific software and create customer spreadsheets when there are issues with a customers rent account. Within university, I have had to use specialist software for my dyslexia and learned to negotiate this. I have to use the internet to procure resources off the internet to teach and modified them on my tablet. I have had to learn a lot of technical words and speech to diagnose repairs for customers.

I appreciate to the opportunity to be creative in my assignments with diagrams and interactively. I analyse and diagnose issues with repairs for the customer and have to probe for further information to diagnose properly. I have had to think critically and reflect back on my work at university to ensure the correct information is making it into my assignment and the correct references. I work off my own initiative to plan and teach a lesson- organize the schedule for the month as there is no one to oversee myself as I am the leader of the area. I am usually organised in the work place, but I need to improve planning my university work and my personal time. Ability to make decisions; selecting suitable solutions; analysis of the appropriateness.

I am usually able to analyse what I believe to be the best decision but could work on my critical thinking more. I am training to lead my team as a more senior role but as this is new it is something, I am working on similar in my personal life at church. You need to provide a discussion of the issues as given in the Introduction and use the reading as evidence to support your discussion. An important outcome of your portfolio is your personal profile. Linkedin is not just a tool to promote yourself but also a way to network with people and organizations that may be useful to you or your organization. There is no such thing as the perfect CV.

Your CV must be continually updated as you develop more skills. You need also to compose a CV that reflects the position you are applying for. We also ask you to submit a traditional CV using the format used in your country. Referencing All secondary sources must be referenced using the Havard format. You should indicate the source of any primary sources e. feedback from classmates Submission An electronic copy is to be submitted to turn-it-in Practice Report — 6th march LinkedIn Profile screenshot or CV — 12th march Assessment Criteria Assessment will be undertaken using the rubric provided.

Skip to content info omanessay. Coursework Information Sheet To be supplied to students when they receive the coursework assignment task Unit Name : Personal and Professional Development Unit Code : SHR Learning Outcomes Identify, evaluate and demonstrate those academic skills required for your own personal and professional development and demonstrate their effective implementation in the context of the MBA course and workplace. Now, I am fully aware of the cultural diversity of the organisational environment, where I work, and it helps me to stand on the tolerant ground to avoid offenses or inappropriate behaviour in relation to my clients.

In this regard, I would just suggest several recommendations for improving the support available in health and social care organisations for individuals and their social networks experiencing significant life events. First, I would recommend focusing on the development of the closer interpersonal interaction and relations between health and social care professionals and patients. In this regard, health and social care professionals should know the cultural background of their clients, what their health problem is and what social environment they live in. Second, I would recommend enhancement of the communication and interaction between health care and social care professionals because often communication gaps between them emerge that has a negative impact on the quality of health and social care services.

My work in the health and social care environment was a valuable experience for e because it contributed to my professional as well as personal development. In this regard, my role comprised elements of both health and social care, although I performed functions of a health care professional mainly. However, in the course of my work, I found out that I should not only provide my clients with basic health care services but also with their social support. For instance, some clients needed to talk to me, even if the issues they talked about were irrelevant to their health. Therefore, they rather looked for the social support than for the immediate resolution of their health problems. My experience of working in the health and social care setting has revealed the fact that some of my skills still need consistent improvements, while those skills I have at the moment have proved to be very helpful for my professional performance and further development.

On analyzing my strengths, I would single out several key strengths that have proved to be particularly helpful in the course of my work in the health and social care setting. First, I have well-developed communication skills, which have proved to be very helpful in the course of my work in the health and social care environment. At this point, it is worth mentioning the fact that communication skills helped me to establish positive relations with clients and provide them not only with health care but also with counselling service. Second, my theoretical knowledge in health and social care were also important strengths that helped me to perform successfully.

My theoretical knowledge laid the ground for the development of practical skills and experience.

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