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Overfishing essay

Overfishing essay

Beckham, E. Nearly ever facet of human activity contributes in some way to the pollution and depletion of the planet's…. They are overfishing, deforestation, overfishing essay, coastal development, coral disease and pollution. Brent Carpenter, "Warm Is the New Cold: Global Warming, Oil, UNCLOS Article 76, overfishing essay, and How an Arctic Treaty Might Stop a New Cold War," Environmental Law It is such a big issue, that there is so much trash overfishing essay our ocean currents carry it into a huge circle where it can 't escape, this is called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Joanna Gail Salazar.

Marine Overfishing

Home — Essay Samples — Science — Fish — The world problem of overfishing, overfishing essay. Any subject, overfishing essay. Any type of essay. In sealife the result of a species not being able to replenish due to a decreased population is called the result of overfishing. Overfishing is what happens to a species of fish when it is expected to be widely available for consumption, overfishing essay. Fish are often harvested before they even reach adulthood and reproduce or spawn enough. alone, according to the Office of Fisheries Conservation and Management. Desonie, Harmful fishing practices may be the most unnecessarily destructive of the causes of overfishing.

Long line fishing attracts fish through bait and will catch every single baited fish. What cannot be seen by sea creatures are transparent gill nets. Bottom overfishing essay may be the worst practice, as they scrape the seafloor of all its life. The amount of boats that fish can sustain is surpassed by double. Desonie, Overfishing overfishing essay have Positive overfishing essay on those who rely on it. Fishing industries have a wide employment rate and have a lot of job offerings. The technology using fishing like gillnets and bottom trawlers can be used against an invasive species.

Overfishing has expanded the economy and created more sources of income. Seafood feeds the masses, and the more caught the more food choices people have. While that is promising, overfishing can also lead to things that are drastic to the ecosystem. Overfishing essay caused by garbage in the ocean consumed by fish will end up in whoever eats the fish. The international union for conservation of nature estimated that by fishing fleets around the world lie overfishing essay as fishing is no longer profitable and coastal villages are abandoned, overfishing essay, their inhabitants headed to cities in search of work and food.

Sheehan, Know what you eat. Spread the word. Mention to your friends why you revert from eating certain fish. Your local newspaper almost certainly has a overfishing essay dedicated for letters by readers or articles, overfishing essay. If you are motivated writing a letter to the editor is a good way of getting a wide audience. Koster, Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Starting from 3 hours delivery. Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website. We will occasionally send you account related emails.

This essay is not unique. Sorry, we could not paraphrase this essay. Our professional writers can rewrite it and overfishing essay you a unique paper. Want us overfishing essay write one just for you? We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. Get help with writing. Pssst… we can write an original essay just for you. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Your time is important. Get essay help. Related Essays An Analysis of the Arguments of Vershawn Young and Stanley Fish on the Concept overfishing essay Code Meshing Essay.

A Reflection of Being a Director in Catching the Big Fish, a Memoir by David Lynch Essay. Mosquitofish Dye Experiment Essay. Captive Killer Whales Essay. The Negative Impact of the Food Culture on the Environment and Jani Actman Article overfishing essay Fish on Your Dinner Overfishing essay May Be an Endangered Species Essay. Efficient Care Requirements for Aquarium Fish Essay. Responsible Care for Freshwater Fish Aquarium Essay, overfishing essay. Top 10 White Fish Benefits Essay. Barramundi: a part of the Sea Perch family Essay, overfishing essay.

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The authors reveal that Europe alone produces about percent out of an approximated number of , chemicals worldwide. Researchers claim that 3-percent of the chemicals produced in Europe are potential toxins if exposed to the environment Wafar et al. According to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, the chemicals released to the oceans through improper disposal may change their chemical composition to form increasingly lethal substances that intoxicate flora and fauna Roberts The author reveals that inconsiderate disposal of chemical-based elements exposes the ocean to persistent organic pollutants POPs. These pollutants are toxic and non-degradable Roberts, They clog onto the tissues and organs, thus leading to intoxication and deaths of sea animals and plants.

Moreover, ship accidents cause oil spills that have severe economic and ecological implications. The marine ecosystem is self-regulating and constantly fluctuating by its complexity. Any alien influence such as oil spills that can lead to ecosystem imbalance leads to death, reduced reproduction, and migration of fish. Also, oils consist of toxic substances that poison ocean animals and plants. Deaths of animals and plants provide a suitable medium for the growth of algae. The ocean is the habitat of hundreds of fish species, most of which comprise human food. However, Hutchings, Côté, Dodson, Fleming, Jennings, Mantua, Peterman, Riddell, and Weaver reveal that the fisheries industry has succumbed to unsustainability due to illegal and unregulated fishing Brunch reveals that the ocean loses over 85 million tons of fish to fishing to supply human society with rich protein meat 2.

There is lessened control of overfishing activities because of inadequate incentives to facilitate ecosystem monitoring and surveillance. Additionally, the author emphasizes that unwillingness to accept short-range expenses blinds the concerned management bodies from seeing the long-standing benefits that come with effective fish ecosystem management. A research carried by the State of World Fisheries and aquaculture SOFIA indicated that percent of the ocean population is either overexploited or recuperating from overexploitation Hutchings et al. The authors predict that the exploitation percentage will rise to about percent if unsustainable fishing methods continue in the next two decades. Whales are social marine animals that exhibit a variety of social and communication behaviors that depend on the whale species.

Whaling is a marine activity that involves hunting of whales for meat, oils, and blubber, whether for domestic or commercial purposes. Seemingly, commercialization of whaling that has led to killings of thousands of whales per year has become an international debate over the whaling practices Blok Close to four decades ago, the then few numbers of whales nearly reached extinction. This situation led to the establishment of the International Whaling Commission IWC that banned whale hunting for business purposes Wesolowski Despite the ban of whaling, some countries such as Japan, Norway, and Iceland still practice marine activity. According to Blok, these countries have continued to commercialize whaling regardless of the lessening demand for whale products The author reveals that the three countries terminate the lives of over two-thousand whales annually.

Wesolowski links the continuation of illegal commercialization of whaling products to the special authorization to kill whales for scientific purposes. This form of licensing has created loopholes that have led the killing of increasingly higher numbers of whales. Pollution has become a scary crisis for ocean management that demands immediate resolution. The devastating effects that come with the disposal of contaminants in the ocean have significantly put the life of marine biodiversity at great risk of poisoning, death, and even extinction McKibben The international conventions should implement policies that govern producer-responsibility for using plastic packaging materials. Regional and international governmental and non-governmental agencies should foster advocacy for eradication of non-degradable packaging materials, especially dangerous plastics that can react with other ocean contaminants to produce toxins.

Although numerous non-governmental organizations have addressed the issue of pollution and derived various methods of reducing ocean contamination, there is a need for empowerment of world communities, especially the ones that depend on marine activities for economic purposes in an attempt to change their attitudes towards ocean use McKibben Furthermore, the rate of depletion of ocean resources has compelled governmental and non-governmental organizations to advocate better ocean management strategies. They have made major attempts to address the issue and raise awareness on the importance of effective ocean management practices to save the ocean biodiversity that forms a rich source of food for the human society. However, ocean political matters have greatly affected the implementation of globally accepted marine management laws.

The need for sound management has become inevitable. Therefore, proper management strategies should aim at balancing a socio-economic, ecological, and scientific interest in the use of ocean resources. Marine activities should take into account objective aspects such as controlled fishing practices and ecosystem sustainability Sesini Also, regional and international government agencies should work together with non-governmental organizations to establish conventional regulations and procedures for sustainable marine practices. Although not all countries abide by the standards for sustainable marine activities, the authors reveal an increasing adherence to international agreements on the protection and preservation of marine environments.

For instance, the London Convention controls the dumping of industrial effluents and other wastes in rivers and oceans. Wafar et al. suggest three important areas that demand more focus than ever to ensure ocean sustainability 9. The authors explain that the combination of a well-structured risk management reform, establishment of marine protected areas, and certification of marine incentives will develop into sustainable marine practices. Also, the conventions should define clear utilization of market strategies to improve ecological and economic sustainability McKibben The overall health of the various oceans is at risk due to the persistent and uncontrolled human activities that have led to the depletion of resources from day-to-day.

The size of plastic trash that enters the ocean heightens every year due to increased production in the industrial sites and packaging of fast goods, especially food materials. Ocean acidification and increasing marine debris have also challenged the ocean environment. Researchers have suggested that further elevation of these forms of pollution will lead to increased destruction of ocean life by approximately 10 percent in the next decade. In reality, such an increase will tremendously affect the socio-economic sectors of many countries around the globe, owing to the elevated reliance on ocean resources. Overfishing has claimed huge numbers of fish from the ocean. This situation has endangered some of the fish species since fish harvesting has exceeded their reproduction rates.

Therefore, the development of a sustainable ocean ecosystem remains a crucial step that governmental and non-governmental agencies should prioritize with a view of advocating the protection and preservation of marine resources. There is an escalating need for formulation and implementation of dependable regional and international policies to control overfishing and ocean pollution. Beaugrand, Grégory, Isabelle Rombouts, and Richard Kirby. Blok, Anders. Branch, Trevor. Hutchings, Jeffrey, Isabelle Côté, Julian Dodson, Ian Fleming, Mantua Jennings, …and Andrew Weaver. Overfishing can have Positive effects on those who rely on it.

Fishing industries have a wide employment rate and have a lot of job offerings. The technology using fishing like gillnets and bottom trawlers can be used against an invasive species. Overfishing has expanded the economy and created more sources of income. Seafood feeds the masses, and the more caught the more food choices people have. While that is promising, overfishing can also lead to things that are drastic to the ecosystem. Bacteria caused by garbage in the ocean consumed by fish will end up in whoever eats the fish. The international union for conservation of nature estimated that by fishing fleets around the world lie idol as fishing is no longer profitable and coastal villages are abandoned, their inhabitants headed to cities in search of work and food.

Sheehan, Know what you eat. Spread the word. Mention to your friends why you revert from eating certain fish. Your local newspaper almost certainly has a section dedicated for letters by readers or articles. If you are motivated writing a letter to the editor is a good way of getting a wide audience. Koster, Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Starting from 3 hours delivery. Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website. We will occasionally send you account related emails. This essay is not unique. Sorry, we could not paraphrase this essay. Our professional writers can rewrite it and get you a unique paper. Want us to write one just for you?

We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. Get help with writing. Pssst… we can write an original essay just for you. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Your time is important. Get essay help. Related Essays An Analysis of the Arguments of Vershawn Young and Stanley Fish on the Concept of Code Meshing Essay. A Reflection of Being a Director in Catching the Big Fish, a Memoir by David Lynch Essay.

Mosquitofish Dye Experiment Essay. Captive Killer Whales Essay. The Negative Impact of the Food Culture on the Environment and Jani Actman Article that Fish on Your Dinner Plate May Be an Endangered Species Essay. Efficient Care Requirements for Aquarium Fish Essay.

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